Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 Weeks!

I can't believe I'm already at 30 weeks! Looking back I can't believe how fast the time has gone. And it seems like I still have forever long to go but I know the time will go quickly by and in not too long I will be holding out precious baby girl!

I tell you what, I think this little girl is a stomach sleeper with her bum in the air. I always have a big bulge on my belly and it is not a foot or elbow because I can tell when it is a smaller body part. She loves to stretch out with her bum in the air just like we saw her in the ultra sound. Deven laughs when he sees a big bulge in my stomach.

But i'm continuing to feel great and grow bigger every day. I will say I have a very keen sense of smell on my hands and let me tell you being with 6th graders everyday...I will let you just imagine what my nose is like all day. And now back to preparing my lessons for those adorable 6th graders ;)


  1. haha. I'm sorry about the smells! They haunt you for years! You look sooo cute! It has gone really fast (for me lol). Good luck with teaching!

  2. You look GREAT!! Only 10 weeks to go & we will be there - WAHOO! Cannot wait - seriously! Sorry about the smell stuff! Matt still can't wear a certain kind of deodorant and I can't eat Mc'd's! But glad you are feeling great! I love that about her little bum - so cute!
    Hope teaching is going good! You are almost done!!!

  3. The last two months go by SO fast. Before you know it you will have a little baby:)
