Saturday, July 10, 2010

Washington continued...

While I was at home my mom helped Madison and I sew blankets! My mom and Madison made a quilt and my mom helped me sew my first baby blanket. Since we still dont know what we are having we made it a generic blanket- it is really soft and just the kind of blanket I was wanting! I have the best mom ever who helped me figure out how to sew with the difficult fabric I picked out- and it turned out beautiful!!! Thanks mom!!!!

My parents this summer started a very big project at their house! They decided to do a big water feature in the front and put up all these big column rocks! Which the front big rock will have water coming out of it and then run down the front of the rocks into a little pond area! They keep sending us updated pictures and it looks great!! I cant wait to see the final project!
Deven and my brother Josh helped to put all those rocks- that day they moved 17,000 lbs of rocks!!

My dad drove the tractor! The rocks were so heavy that one ended up making it go up onto his front wheels. It scared me so bad but my dad looked very calm as he sat being lifted in the tractor. It is a good thing the rock landed up on the big pile or else he would have tipped up a whole lot more :(

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